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INDY-News ;-)

Now that our new little collie is with us, we'ld like to show you some pictures of Indy's developement. Starting with the time of his birth up to the current week, so you'll be able to watch how it comes that a little puppy becomes such a beautiful big collie.


The Indy-News have moved...(2008-08-09)

We will present all upcoming Indy-News to you at a different place from now on. Please click on the picture to the right. The link will lead you to the brandnew!

Sensational!!! - Now you can watch a few little video-clips of Indy's adventures on Indy's Weblog for the first time. So hurry to the Indy-News and watch it ;-)

UPDATED 2009-01-03

INDY-News of April 30th until the beginning of August 2008

After only 3 weeks of being together with us, Indy is packing his suitcase...

... what's wrong?!? - Doesn't he like us anymore???

Indy packing his suitcase  Indy packing his suitcase

Indy in his suitcase

NO - stay calm!!! Indy is packing his suitcase because we plan on going on a trip to "Harz"-mountains his former home for a "Fox-Lions'"-family-reunion the upcoming weekend. So he's gonna see his mom, his brothers and most of all, Gudrun again ;-)

Telling you about all the wonderful experiences of the last 3 weeks with us, will have to wait for a bit longer. Well, when you do so many different interesting things, others will be left over - such as writing it down. But we won't forget it and sooner or later we will tell you right here!

So, now here again all the well-known pictures of Indy's developement to have a look at:

On april 30th 3 little collies were born !!! (and all of them are male)

Collie-Welpen gleich nach der Geburt

The First Day:

Indy's first day of life  Indy's first day of life

Left picture: Third Day & Right picture: Sixth Day

Indy's third day of life  Indy's sixth day of life

             Day 8:

Indy's 8th day of life  Indy's 8th day of life

Day 14: First Time To Give Them Medicine Against Worms

Indy - 14 days old  Indy- first medicine against worms

3 Weeks "old"

Indy 3 weeks old  Indy 3 weeks old

Our first visit: The Puppies are now 4 and 1/2 weeks old

Indy & Petra  Indy at the terrace

5th Week

Indy 5 weeks old.  Indy 5 weeks old- rough games

Indy - the beast ;-)  Indy 5 weeks old - rough games, again

6th Week

Indy beeing fed by his mom "Chandra" - he is the puppy on the left side. Its getting quite overfilled now, when all three puppies want to drink their milk at the same time ;-)

On his breeder's lap Indy gets his medicine against worms again - yummy...

Indy 6 weeks - Mom feeds the puppies  Indy 6 Weeks

Being completely innocent and lovely on one side, and a little beast on the other side, when playing with brother "Ilias".

Indy 6 Weeks - Portrait  Indy 6 weeks - rough games between brothers

Sunday - June 22, we went to visit Indy once again. He is now 7 1/2 weeks old.

Welpentrio 7 weeks  Indy 7 weeks

On saturday, June 5th 2008, we started in the middle of the night (4 a.m.) in order to go and pick up our little Indy. The puppies are now exactly 9 1/2 weeks old.

The day to pick him up - Collage Saying good bye to Gudrun  Indy 9 weeks

  Indy at his new home

Indy didn't need much time to feel himself at home here with us.

The little charming boy steels everybody's hearts within seconds. - Well, we expected it to be like that ;-)

Indy most favorite toy  Indy in the living-room

Of course we took Indy to the Puppy-Playtime at GREH-Dogschool right from the start.

Indy at GREH  Indy at GREH

...more pictures coming soon...

back to the NEWS...

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